Seattle Public Schools

School Board



董事会例会一般在星期三举行,但偶尔会在节假日前后重新安排. 买正规足球比赛的app的例会在下午4点15分开始.m. Board meetings are held at the 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心.

Please visit the 董事会决议网页 已通过的决议和 年报网页 查阅向董事会提交报告的时间和方式的清单.

Board Calendar



定期董事会会议是直播的 on SPSTV. 


  • 康卡斯特26(标清)319(高清)
  • 波26(标准清晰度)695(高清)
  • 世纪链接8008(标清)8508(高清)


Watch 过去的董事会会议记录 西雅图买正规足球比赛的app主席.

Public Testimony

The 西雅图买正规足球比赛的app欢迎公众人士参加定期会议 并在这些会议上留出时间供公众作证.

It is important for all community members to feel welcome and safe in the Board’s business meetings. Audience members will be expected to treat all attendees with respect and civility, 正如正规买足球的App对我们学校学生的期望一样.

Public testimony will be taken in person and by teleconference from those who sign up to provide testimony and who are placed on the testimony list per the process described below. 

Per 董事会程序1430BP, the order of public testimony will be determined as follows: the student speaker from the assigned district high school and then those speaking to agenda action items, 然后是议程介绍项目, 然后是大家感兴趣的项目.

Current district students who sign up through the process outlined in Board Procedure 1430BP, 说明自己是学生, 并且是演讲者名单上的20(或25)位演讲者之一, 会紧接在第一个发言时段之后吗. The Board agenda is posted by close of business the Friday before Board meetings.


The School Board Office will generally take sign-ups for the public testimony list starting at 8 a.m. 定期董事会会议前的星期一,一直持续到下午12点.m. 在会议前的那个星期二. These timelines may be adjusted when meetings are held on days other than Wednesday. Generally, sign-ups received after noon 在会议前的那个星期二 will be added to the end of the list on a first-come, 先到先得,直至预定的会议开始时间.

The public testimony list will be posted on the meeting’s agenda by the close of business the day before the regular Board meeting. 所有会议议程都在 Board agenda webpage.


要注册公开证词,公众成员应该使用 公开证词登记表 在相关议程上指定的日期和时间(通常是上午8点).m. on the Monday before the meeting) and no later than the scheduled start time of the meeting.

  • The sign-up form is available in Amharic, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Simplified Chinese.
  • 不接受电子邮件或电话/语音邮件报名. Please use the 公开证词登记表.
  • In-person sign-ups at the Board meeting are added sequentially to the end of the existing testimony list.

请注意:演讲者必须自行报名, with the exception of students signed up by a parent or guardian and individuals who may need an accommodation for the public testimony sign-up process, including those with disabilities or those requiring language interpretation services. Additionally, if complete information is not provided, you will not be included on the list. The Board Office will not follow-up to obtain correct information or tell you where you are on the list.

Public Testimony at Regular Board Meetings is governed by Audience Participation Board Policy No. 1430 and Board Procedure 1430BP.

There are twenty (20) speaking spots available at each Regular Legislative Board meeting. Each speaker on the public testimony list will have up to two (2) minutes to speak. In the event that thirty five (35) or more public testimony requests are received prior to the start  of the Board meeting, an additional five (5) speaking slots will be made available for that meeting only, 总共有二十五(25)个演讲者. 

如果你想把你的时间让给别人, you must attend the Board meeting and announce this to the Board when it is your turn to speak. 你为之奉献时间的人, will receive the remainder of your 2 minutes and should speak to the same topic.  As you have ceded your speaking time, you will not be able to speak again at the meeting.

如果你有讲义要给董事会, 请在开会前带10份给董事会工作人员. 任何人都不应该拿着救济品走近讲台.



Regular and Special Board meeting agendas are posted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. At each Board meeting, minutes from the previous meetings are approved and will be posted to the agenda webpage once available.



  • Audit Committee
  • 特设社区参与委员会
  • 特设政策手册审查委员会


The Seattle School Board generally holds at least one Regular Board meeting monthly. During Regular Board Meetings, the Board takes public testimony and votes to take most final actions. However, Board discussions regarding items approved during Regular Board meetings often begin weeks earlier with preparation of Board Action Reports and Introduction to the Board. Information is included here to support the public in tracking items throughout this extended process.


当某项事项提交董事会处理时, 起草董事会行动报告(BAR), 连同所需的任何随附的董事会政策或其他附件. 这些文件通常是由工作人员准备的, 但董事也可以编写董事会行动报告, 修改或采纳政策和决议.


Board Action Reports are placed on draft Regular Board Meeting agendas developed by the School Board Office. These draft agendas are then reviewed and finalized by the Board President and Superintendent, 哪项规定一次两次定期董事会会议议程. BARs for contracts, grants, and other routine business like meeting minutes are placed directly on a Consent Agenda for action by the Board. Other Board Action Reports are scheduled to first be introduced at one Regular Board meeting, 并在下次董事会例会上投票表决. 当一个项目被引入时, 由职员或赞助董事提交, 董事们有机会提问和讨论, but no action is taken. The public also has the opportunity at this point, and during all Regular Board meetings, to 通过注册提供公开证词来提供反馈.

After introduction, the Board Action item is then generally scheduled for a vote during the next Regular Board meeting as part of the Consent Agenda. Per Board Policy No. 提议的议程 & Consent Agenda, a Consent Agenda is used to expedite business at Regular Board meetings by having the Board approve multiple items with one motion and vote. The use of a Consent Agenda is best practice for governing bodies (See more information on using a Consent Agenda to streamline meetings from the 市政研究服务中心). 以学生成果为重点的治理手册, 由大城市学校委员会和AJ Crabill开发, advises that all consent-eligible items should be placed on a Consent Agenda in order to focus Board meeting time on improving student outcomes (See the 董事会通过的学生成绩目标和保护措施).

当一个项目被列入同意议程时, it may be removed by any member of the Board during the Regular Board meeting. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda are discussed and voted on individually later in the meeting.